Diploma in Engineering All Subjects List in Bangladesh

Diploma in Engineering All subjects List in Bangladesh

Currently, Diploma in Engineering courses are running in 26 technologies in Bangladesh. New probidhan was last introduced in 2022. The subject list of each Diploma in Engineering course in this probidhan is given below.

Probidhan: 2022
Academic Year: 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 & 2027
semester: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th semester.
Technology: All (26 Technology - Diploma Engineering)

Diploma in Engineering All subjects List:

1. Architecture Technology

2. Automobile Technology

3. Chemical Technology

4. Civil Technology

Technology Code:  64
Civil all semester subject list

5. Civil (Wood) Technology

6. Electrical Technology

7. Electronics Technology

8 Food Technology

9. Mechanical Technology

10. Power Technology

Technology Code:  71
Power all semester subject list

11. RAC Technology

12. Ceramic Technology

13. Glass Technology

14. Surveying Technology

15. Marine Technology

16. Shipbuilding Technology

17. Aircraft Maintenance Technology (AEROSPACE)

18. Aircraft Maintenance Technology (AVIONICS)

19. Computer Science and Technology

20. Electromedical Technology

21. Construction Technology

22. Environmental Technology

23. Mechatronic Technology

24. Telecommunication Technology

25. Printing Technology

26. Graphic Design Technology

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